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How to Eat Your Bourbon: Valentine's Day Edition

How to Eat Your Bourbon: Valentine's Day Edition

Bourbon Barrel Foods' first How to Eat Your Bourbon class was a success! Twenty-five guests learned how to make recipes for a romantic breakfast in bed and lovely dinner for two. The best part, the class was FREE!

Chef Jessica Grace led the Valentine's Day themed How to Eat Your Bourbon class and taught guests techniques and tricks to make cooking gourmet meals at home easy.

The classes are held in Bourbon Barrel Foods' Theater Kitchen. Guests sat at two family style farm tables. 

(Blanched hericot vert)

On the tasting menu:

Kentucky Bibb Salad with Woodford Reserve's Sorghum Vinaigrette 
Smoked Lemon Pepper Hericot Vert
Smoked Salmon Fritatta 

Bourbon Barrel Foods' next How to Eat Your Bourbon class will be on March 8th, and it will feature March Madness recipes! For more information, sign up for our e-mail newsletter or e-mail