- 10 egg yolks
- 1/2 cup granulated sugar
- 2 tbls Bourbon Barrel Aged vanilla
- 1 quart cream
- Imperial Double Fermented Soy Sauce
- Togarashi Caramel Corn for garnish
Makes 9 - 4oz crème Brulee
- In a medium saucepan, attentively scald heavy cream and vanilla (as it will spill over if unwatched).
- In a large mixing bowl, whisk eggs and sugar vigorously until pale yellow and forms ribbons. When the cream is ready, slowly add to sugar/egg mixture, whisking for the entirety until incorporated.
- With a ladle, skim the top of the mixture to remove all froth (bubbles) that have accumulated on the surface.
- Place ovenproof Brulee dishes in a pan and ladle mixture 3/4 of the way.
- Fill around them with water until the bottom of the pan is all covered. Cover with aluminum foil and cook in a 350-degree oven for approx 50 mins or until when jiggled, the outer edges are set with marginal movement in the middle.
- Refrigerate until cool.
- Cover the top with sugar and burn with a torch being careful not to set yourself afire.
- Top with some Togareashi Caramel Corn and consume. Optional garnish when in season - Concord Grape
Recipe by Chef Michael Crouch