Appetizers, Bluegrass Soy Sauce, Bourbon Smoked Paprika, Bourbon Smoked Sea Salt, Bourbon Smoked Sesame Seeds, Recipes, Salads and Sides, Small Batch Bourbon Ponzu

Small Batch Ponzu & Tahini Broccoli

Bourbon Barrel Foods Ponzu Broccoli in a bowl in front of spices

Tahini Broccoli / Serves 4 / Time 20 minutes 

1 Tbsp Bourbon Smoked Paprika

1 tsp Bourbon Smoked Sea Salt 

4 Tbsp olive oil

1/4 c. tahini paste

3 Tbsp Small Batch Bourbon Ponzu 

3 Tbsp Bourbon Smoked Sesame Seeds

8 cloves of fresh garlic, cut into thin slices  

12 ounces of raw broccoli

3 fresh lemons, cut in half 


1.   Place an oven-safe jelly roll pan (metal sheet tray with 1 inch sides ) in an oven and preheat to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. 

  1. In a large bowl, mix Bourbon Smoked Paprika, Bourbon Smoked Sea Salt, olive oil, tahini paste, bSmall Batch Bourbon Ponzu, Bourbon Smoked Sesame Seeds and fresh garlic slices. Whisk the ingredients for two minutes or until incorporated and set aside. The paste will be thick in texture.  Set the bowl aside, it will be used again at the end of the recipe.

3.  Toss the broccoli into the bowl with the savory paste working it into all the broccoli’s nooks and crannies. Cut the lemons in half on a cutting board with a sharp knife and gently remove the seeds with a small kitchen spoon.  Discard the seeds. 

4. Carefully remove the hot sheet tray from the oven and pour the tahini broccoli onto it. Spread the broccoli evenly on the tray and place the cut in half lemons face side down on one side of the sheet tray. Place the loaded up sheet tray back into the 400 degree oven and roast the mixture for 5-7 minutes or until slightly charred. 

5. Once the mixture has finished charring remove the pan from the oven. Carefully remove the lemons from the hot pan with a pair of kitchen tongs and set them aside. Slide the hot tahini broccoli back in to the large mixing bowl and with a pair of kitchen tongs squeeze the charred lemons on top, kissing the charred broccoli with their bright juice. 

6. Immediately serve hot, on a large platter or enjoy cold once it’s chilled as a healthy salad. Try this recipe using cauliflower. There’s no wrong way to #eatyourbourbon in this recipe.